It’s dark outside …
With the days being shorter now, I invited in yoga. Well, it’s more of a “hello again, yoga” to be honest. I love yoga. I love how I feel when I experience the peace it creates in my mind and body. And so, for the winter months, I’ve become a 9pm yoga girl. Instead of committing to the sofa and the biscuit tin, I roll out my yoga mat.
I’m loving it. I sleep even more peacefully. I wake up feeling refreshed. And happy.
Another reflection for November came to me after the lovely Katie Treggiden shared this quote by Arthur Ashe:
“Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.”
Here are my musings ☺️
Where am I?
⚓️ I’ve created a coaching practice
⚓️ I’m still learning, still growing, still loving what I do
⚓️ I’m forever inspired by my clients’ transformations
⚓️ I’m energised from having become a lifelong learner
What do I have?
⚓️ A quiet energy that creates instant connection
⚓️ Masses of lived experience that brings compassion, empathy, inner-sense, and an open mind
⚓️ A warm kindness and a sense of fun that I weave into every moment
What can I do (today)
⚓️ Create more opportunities for conversations
⚓️ Make choices based on my values … Daring, grace, abundance, community and uniqueness
⚓️ Keep loving, believing, and swimming
November 2023 will forever be the month I swam with someone who knew me long before I was a sea swimmer…. That’s a story for another time.
See you here, again, on December 17th.