About time …

And just like that, it’s October.

Following on from my 17th September musings, this month has been about investing time, rather than spending it.

Imagine seeing time as something useful, a wonderful tool, rather than seeing it as something you’re constantly battling against. What if time was your accomplice to be living the life you want? What if you moved away from “there’s never enough” to “I have all the time in the world?”. When we focus on what we don’t have, we don’t have it. If you’re coming from a place of “I don’t have time”, you won’t have time.

I invite you to track your time, hour by hour, for a few days and reflect on what you notice. I tracked my time for five days, WOW! I’ve been telling myself that time evaporates, as if there’s no connection to the choices I make. I remember my coach saying to me “Stop living like you’re never going to die”. When it’s put like that, it’s a real reminder to cherish time and use it wisely; to appreciate the value of it and understand that it will run out ….


And so, I’m cherishing time much more as the gift that it is. I’m consciously choosing to create time – for myself, for my family and for my business. I’m slowing down. I’m creating space - that place where our attention intersects with the present moment. And, when we’re present, life is richer. Time is abundant.


Nowhere do I feel it more than with my mum. She’s 87. I noticed her saying to me “I know you’re busy but….” before everything she asked me. I felt sad. My commitment to her, and to myself, is that I create space for us, every day. We drive, we visit new places, we picnic, we watch the sea. We slow down, together. There’s an abundance of time, joy and calm now. We’re focussing on making memories. No more racing against the clock. No more “I need to squeeze in a Mum visit”.


And when I need time just for me, it’s at the beach. Swimming every day. The effect of that moment of cold-water immersion is incredible. As I breathe through the coldness, calm flows in. The head noise stops. I’m present. Nothing before. Nothing after. Just the moment. Once my thoughts are settled, there’s more space for new thinking. It’s circular. It’s magical.


I’ve started to plan my days with more care. It’s not all about work. It’s about making time for stillness and space too. Time to replenish and restore.  Between now and next month’s musings, I’m committing to a redesign of my mornings. It’s not about what I’m “giving up”, it’s about what I’m inviting in. Before the hour changes, I become a bit of a snoozer so I’m going to create a refreshing routine to shine a light on myself during the darker mornings. I’ll let you know how I get on.


Until then,



It’s dark outside …


I’m diving in …