Reflections …

Before I dive into 2024, I’m taking time to reflect on the year that’s almost ended.

2023 is, for sure, the year of my greatest personal and professional transformation. It’s been about my ‘H.O.W.’ year. I’ve been Honest, Open, and Willing to do the things I’ve been dreaming about.

It started this time last year. I crossed paths with Sachin* who was to become pivotal this year. We opened up a conversation that turned into another conversation. After the 3rd conversation I’d booked onto his LAMRON Intensive. (Hop over to LinkedIn and search #LAMRONintensive). I’d willingly agreed to spend three days in London, in March 2023, with thirty-four strangers. Absolutely life changing.  Beliefs I’d held close for years started to evaporate.

It turns out that I love a room full of strangers. It turns out that I’m able to talk eloquently and people listen. It turns out that I’m already coaching people. I have thirty-four new forever friends. People who I feel privileged to know. People who love to share, to support, and to help me see what’s possible.

Within weeks of returning from London, I’d taken another deep dive out of my ‘comfort zone’. This time it was to spend “six days on a farm” (Sorry Sachin 😉). So, in June, I headed to the incredibly beautiful Fair Oak Farm set in High Weald AONB. I’d said yes to six whole days with twelve beautiful souls for the LAMRON Business Intensive, lead once again by Sachin.

What a week. Six whole days unpeeling layers of beliefs that I no longer needed. Finding clarity there about myself, about my heart, about my potential, and about what’s possible.

Each of those twelve new friends saw me. Deeply saw me. I left there with no ‘comfort zones’. It’s been freeing and mind-blowing to have shed so much tired emotion and beliefs that had been keeping me safe, and holding me back.

At the end of those six days, Sachin shared these words with me:

“Kate, I saw you really come to life and lean into your edges this week. It is so inspiring to see you being a stand for yourself and giving you what you need. You amaze me with the grace with which you approach your growth and the way you’re stepping into the unknown. Thank you for teaching me what it looks like to let go with love.”

More words from another incredible woman who was part of the LAMRON Business Immersion …

“Kate, you are a force of nature. I am so inspired by who you are as a mum, a daughter, and every role that you play. You are a stand for what can be created at any age. I love how you take care of yourself and play full out. You are smashing through all limitations and creating so much.”

I’m learning so much about myself, going deeply into the essence of me, and I feel like a butterfly is emerging. As I dive into 2024, I’ve already signed up to the next level of my work on myself with another outstanding coach. Keep on learning. Keep on growing.

It’s six months to the day to my 60th birthday. This is, for sure, my best chapter ever.

We teach what we most need to learn. I help people to unpeel their layers and see their own diamond shining brightly inside of them. I help people to create their what’s next, with confidence and self-belief. I’m a thinking partner and a possibility finder. I am for others, what others have been for me.



Diving into sixty …


It’s dark outside …