There’s always time …

What if the thing you don’t have time for is exactly what you need ….? 

During a conversation with my coach this week, we explored my thoughts about time.

“I don’t have time to rest” I declared, very convincingly. Together we unpeeled the layers of my thinking and my beliefs about that.


My story gently unfolded …. a story where resting time is wasted time. I pride myself on being busy, constantly. I pride myself on packing as much as I can into every day. Stillness, for me, hasn’t been something I’ve chosen to make time for.


“It doesn’t all have to be constant” said my very wise coach. Revelation moment.


A couple of months ago I revisited my values, and without realising it, I’ve been out of alignment with my value of grace; where ‘grace’ is the willingness to move through life with harmony, presence and alignment.


I’ve been so busy doing everything on my ever-growing to do list, that harmony and alignment have taken a back seat. As I write that, I notice the language I’m using. As though life is ‘happening’ to me, as though I have no choice or control. No agency.


So, I’m inviting in more ‘grace’ …. compassion, empathy, and harmony for myself.

Every day I am asking myself “What’s meaningful for me today?”. I’m slowing down, checking in, and noticing what I need. I’m designing my days. I realise I do have agency over my time, over my life.

Intentionality is key – and it starts with my thoughts.


These words by Amy Johnson PH.D. resonated with me:

“The more you understand that your experience of life is entirely thought created and that “you” aren’t what you think you are, your attachment to feelings – good and bad – begins to shift.”


This morning, I’m intentionally choosing to rest. Time for me. Time for stillness. I’m not too busy. I’m not wasting my time. I’m recharging and restoring.


Rest, as it turns out, is exactly what I need, and there is time. Always.






“People don’t want coaching. They want possibility.”


Diving into sixty …