“People don’t want coaching. They want possibility.”

“People don’t want coaching. They want possibility.”

I love these words by Steve Chandler.

I’ve worked with a coach at various times during the last fifteen years to help me through life’s pivots and plot twists, sometimes unexpected, and sometimes planned. Either way, working with a coach helped me through those changes.

Fast forward to December 2023. One of the outcomes from those life pivots has been diving into a 12-month coaching experience. It’s my “hell yes”. I am all in.

What’s my overarching reason for choosing this path? To dive deeply into who I’m being and to explore what’s in my ‘impossible’ folder and make it possible. This time it isn’t about reacting to something unexpected and needing help.

I don’t need ‘fixing’. There’s nothing ‘wrong’. It’s about owning my journey. It’s my conscious choice. That feels incredible. Empowering.


I’m leaning over the edge of what’s possible and seeing what’s there on the other side. The possibility we’re creating together for me is off the scale. I’m breathing life into my dreams.

I’m showing up differently. I notice more and think less. From that quietened mind comes the space to grow.

I have more of everything. More clarity. More confidence. More spirit. More stillness. More self-belief. More momentum.

Through our work together I’m believing in what could be possible …. seeing that there’s always another mountain to climb, always something more to learn about myself, always the opportunity for fresh perspective and new ideas. My ‘impossible dreams’ are becoming my reality.

Personal transformation from the inside out.

Who I’m choosing to be is shaping what I’d doing. What I’m doing is shaping what I have.

I’m re-writing my story. I’m creating new possibilities for myself, every day. I’m owning my future.

And I’m creating possibilities for my clients:

“Wow! I didn’t know I needed that! It’s blown my mind.” was my client’s feedback after our conversation yesterday.

He’d come to our session feeling a bit resentful, a bit troubled, by people around him. “They’re not playing full out” he shared. “They made me feel drained, frustrated, dissapointed. I don’t understand them.”

Together we took a deep dive into the stories he’s creating. About them. About himself. Deeper and deeper. At his pace.

“It’s me!” he realised. “It’s me. I’m not playing full out. I’m creating brick walls around myself to keep me safe. I’m holding myself back.”

We got curious about what would be different if he did play full out, without fear. Without the story he was creating.

It flowed ….. “I’d be creative and respected and revered. I’d be an incredible musician. I’d be a magnet, attracting brilliance by being brilliant. My career would grow, my business would grow.”

“How do you need to be showing up?” I asked him. “I need to be showing up 100% - as a person, as a colleague, in my relationships, in my leisure time.” he stared.

“I didn’t know I needed that [conversation] today.” he reflected, “But I needed that insight. My blind spot is in the spotlight.” Once he saw that, he created even more possibility for himself.

The power of a coaching conversation, priceless.


Creating stillness…


There’s always time …