I’m diving in …

I love to write, and I love to share. ‘Find Your Anchors: The Blog’ is how I’m choosing to blend these loves. It’s my time to create space between the waves, to find stillness and to press pause.  My time to reflect on the month that’s just ended, and the one just beginning.

So, hello. Let’s dive in.

It’s 17th September 2023. My first blog post. Three months after my 59th birthday. Just saying that brings so many thoughts and emotions up for me. If life is a book full of chapters, this is the best chapter so far.

It wasn’t until I was almost fifty that I started to bloom. It’s funny how the unexpected can be the making of us. It was for me. I’m full of potential that I hadn’t realised was there. Capable of so much more than I knew. I dare to be different, trust in my uniqueness and follow my heart.

I had no idea, back then, what I’d create. It’s been partly about timing, partly about opportunity and partly about an inner knowing that I wanted lots more from life after 60. Retirement in the ‘traditional’ sense isn’t on my radar. I’m designing my life. Learning. Growing. Daring. Trusting.

I’ve invested time recently to explore my values. I realise my old values were a ‘hangover’ from a different chapter so, over the last month, I’ve refreshed them. Here they are ….

To be DARING - always. With my learning, my growth, my excellence and my work

To lead with GRACE - inspiring, intuitive, curious, mindful, happy, authentic and at peace

To trust my UNIQUENESS - as an independent, resilient woman living freely and joyfully

To create ABUNDANCE - of health, wealth, love, playfulness and simplicity

To thrive within each chosen COMMUNITY - family, friends, professional groups, clients, and peers

From this, I’ve written my business mission and vision:

My mission: To inspire and empower others to create a life full of purpose, joy and authentic fulfilment. 

My vision: To create a world where women aged 50 and beyond embrace their innate potential, awaken their purpose, cultivate fulfilment, and craft a life they wholeheartedly love.

This links back to something that happened earlier this summer. Someone I deeply respect shared these words with me: “You are a stand for what can be created at any age. You are smashing through limitations and creating so much”.

‘Find Your Anchors: The Blog’ is an outcome of that inspiration. There might be a pattern to these monthly musings, or there might not.

For this first blog, I’m focusing on my value of ‘abundance’.

It’s defined as “a state where nothing is lacking and so complete that nothing can diminish it” [spiritual abundance].

Abundance, for me, correlates with positive thinking; it anchors my belief that there’s enough out there for everyone. Enough love, happiness, time, wealth, and playfulness. It’s an energy. A momentum. An attraction. It’s about creating and receiving.

For the coming month, I’ll be focusing on time: creating an abundance of it by looking at where I can ‘invest’ it, rather than ‘spend it’ like it’ll never run out.

If you’re feeling that time is slipping through your fingers, take a look at where you’re ‘spending it’.

What could you choose to do differently, to create more time for yourself?

What would you do with the time you saved?

How would that make you feel?

Thanks for creating time between your waves to read my musings. That’s it, for now.

My commitment: to show up on the 17th of every month; to create space between the waves, drop anchor, and stay awhile.



About time …