What a month …

What a month …

So much has happened this month. Actually, it didn’t ‘happen’. I created it.

What a great distinction …. ‘Happened’ versus ‘created’.


I breathed life into two of my big dreams. For now, I’ll share dream #1.


I’ve been a ‘van girl’ for several years. Me and my pretty little van became besties after I was ‘ejected’ from a relationship with a MX5 (and the man who bought it for me).


Together, we (my van and me) created a new way of being. We found stillness, adventure, and opportunity. We shared storm-chasing days, and days of complete serenity in the peaceful secret coves of Cornwall.


As part of my choice to live intentionally, I’m consciously choosing stillness. And with that stillness on the inside, comes headspace. I have time to think. Time to be creative. Time to breathe life into my dreams.


And so, I did! On 15th May, I became the very excited owner of a beautiful, just right for me, auto-sleeper. The possibilities are endless. And real.


This morning (17th May) I woke up at the beach. I swam, I smiled, my heart sang. I’m creating my reality.


People around me have said things like “Wow, that was quick”, or “You did what!?!”. They’re curious with me. “How did you make such a big decision so quickly?” they’ve asked.


I share my secret with them …. I am connected to my stillness. Well, re-connected. Because for too many years I was living in “when and then” …. continually putting my dreams on the back-burner for “one day”. “One day” never comes.


In this place of stillness, I’m creating more joy, more adventure, and more being-ness. I no longer ask myself “Surely there’s more to life”, because I know I’m living my best one.


Imagine letting go of your “one day”. What would you do next?


Creating stillness…